An AI program of Google's DeepMind - How proteins fold into 3D shapes?

AlphaFold, an AI program of Google's DeepMind, solved the mystery of "How proteins fold into 3D shapes?". It was a mystery question for the past 50 years, which got solved in the year 2020. One of the most significant impacts of this discovery could be understanding the body and how complex systems inside the body works. It will enable scientists to target and design new, effective cures for diseases more efficiently. Based on this discovery, it will be easy for scientists to find the complementary pairs of bacterias or viruses, and eventually, drug discovery would be way faster.

 In the GIF below 🟢 is the experimental result & 🔵 is predicted by the AI model. Performance is measured in terms of GDT. GDT (Global Distance Test) is the percentage of amino acid residues (beads in the protein chain) within a threshold distance from the correct position. This can be correlated to the accuracy of the model. 

how proteins fold into 3D shapes?

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