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    Drop a line, or give us a heads up if you are interested in visiting us. Our expert team will answer your queries. In the meantime, we would love to hear your critical ideas regarding:
  • EnjoyAlgorithms Platform
  • Creative Content Design
  • Learning and Interview Guidance
  • Problem Solving Approaches
Frequently Asked Questions
Is your content free of cost?
Yes, our content is completely free of cost.
Is your content designed for beginners or advanced learners?
We have designed content for both types of audiences - beginners as well as advanced learners.
Is your content designed for students or professionals?
We have designed content from industry and interview point of view. Hence it will benefit both students and professionals working on software projects or preparing for an interview.
What will we get after subscribing to the newsletter?
Well designed content will be delivered weekly in the domain of Data Structure and Algorithms, Machine Learning, and System Design.
Do you also provide the content in pre-recorded video or live video or podcast format?
Currently, we are providing text based guided content with in-depth explanations. Later we will extend it to other formats like pre-recorded videos or live videos or podcasts.
What should the learners know before starting on
We expect learners to know the fundamentals of programming like data types, variables, loops, functions, etc.

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